I am trying to do a negative test and cover the catch block that uses a custom exception. Whatever I try it does not enter into my catch block?
Here is my controller:
public with sharing class InnovationDetailController {
@TestVisible private List<Id> innovationIds = new List<Id>();
@TestVisible private List<InnovationService.Innovation> innovations = new List<InnovationService.Innovation>();
public Id innovationId { get; set; }
public Id ideaId { get; set; }
public String title { get; set; }
public String description { get; set; }
public Double score { get; set; }
public String awardCategory { get; set; }
public Boolean hasVoted { get; set; }
public String username { get; set; }
public InnovationDetailController() {
innovations = InnovationService.getInnovation(innovationIds);
innovationId = innovations[0].innovationId;
ideaId = innovations[0].ideaId;
title = innovations[0].title;
description = innovations[0].description;
score = innovations[0].score;
awardCategory = innovations[0].awardCategory;
hasVoted = InnovationService.hasVoted(ideaId, UserInfo.getUserId());
username = UserInfo.getName();
public PageReference vote() {
try {
catch(InnovationService.InnovationServiceException ex) {
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR, ex.getMessage()));
return null;
Here is my service class:
public with sharing class InnovationService {
private static List<INN_Innovation__c> getInnovations(List<Id> innovationIds) {
return [select Id, INN_Idea__c, INN_Idea__r.Title, INN_Idea__r.Body, INN_Idea__r.VoteTotal, INN_InnovatorsAwardCategory__c from INN_Innovation__c where Id in: innovationIds limit: Limits.getLimitQueryRows()];
public static List<InnovationService.Innovation> getInnovation(List<Id> innovationIds) {
List<InnovationService.Innovation> innovations = new List<InnovationService.Innovation>();
if(!innovationIds.isEmpty() && innovationIds.size() > 0) {
for(INN_Innovation__c i : getInnovations(innovationIds)) {
InnovationService.Innovation innovation = new InnovationService.Innovation();
innovation.innovationId = i.Id;
innovation.ideaId = i.INN_Idea__c;
innovation.title = i.INN_Idea__r.Title;
innovation.description = i.INN_Idea__r.Body;
innovation.score = i.INN_Idea__r.VoteTotal;
innovation.awardCategory = i.INN_InnovatorsAwardCategory__c;
return innovations;
// checks whether the logged in user has already voted for a given idea
public static Boolean hasVoted(Id ideaId, Id userId) {
boolean retval = false;
if(ideaId != null && userId != null) {
List<Vote> result = [Select Id From Vote where ParentId =: ideaId and CreatedById =: userId];
if(result.size() > 0) {
retval = true;
return retval;
public static void vote(List<Id> innovationIds) {
Map<Id, Vote> recordsToInsert = new Map<Id, Vote>();
if(!innovationIds.isEmpty() && innovationIds.size() > 0) {
for(INN_Innovation__c i : getInnovations(innovationIds)) {
Vote v = new Vote();
v.ParentId = i.INN_Idea__c;
v.Type = 'Up';
recordsToInsert.put(v.Id, v);
if(!recordsToInsert.isEmpty() && recordsToInsert.size() > 0) {
try {
insert recordsToInsert.values();
catch(InnovationServiceException ex) {
throw new InnovationServiceException(ex);
public class InnovationServiceException extends Exception {}
public class Innovation {
public Id innovationId;
public Id ideaId;
public String title;
public String description;
public Double score;
public String awardCategory;
Test Method:
static testMethod void testVoteCatchBlock() {
testUser = TestDataFactory.createTestUser(true, true);
system.assertNotEquals(null, testUser.Id);
system.runAs(testUser) {
PageReference pageRef = Page.InnovationDetail;
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', testInnovation.Id);
ctrl = new InnovationDetailController();
system.assertEquals(false, ctrl.hasVoted);
ctrl.innovationIds = null;
List<Vote> result = [Select Id From Vote where ParentId =: testIdea.Id and CreatedById =: testUser.Id];
system.assertEquals(0, ctrl.innovations.size());
system.assertEquals(true, ApexPages.hasMessages());
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.