Working in a Lightning App, and not sure if all Aura components are supported.

I am currently trying to implement ui:tabset, as follows:

<aura:component >
    <ui:tabset class="tabset">
    <ui:tab title="Tab 1">
        <p>Tab 1</p>
            Tab 1 Content
    <ui:tab title="Tab 2" >
         <p>Tab 2</p>
             Tab 2 Content
    <ui:tab title="Tab 3" active="{!true}" >
        <p>Tab 3</p>
              Tab 3 Content
    <ui:tab title="Tab 4" >
        <p>Tab 4</p>
               Tab 4 Content

When saving, I receive the following error -

Failed to save undefined: No COMPONENT named tabset found: Source

Is ui:tabset not available in Lightning components, or am I missing something else?

2 Answers 2


ui:tabset is available as part of the open-source Aura Framework, and not for Lightning Components. You can view the list of supported components in your org by going to https://<mySalesforceInstance>.lightning.force.com/auradocs/reference.app, where <mySalesforceInstance> is the name of the instance hosting your org; for example, na1.


EDIT: November 26, 2016

The tabset component is available now under ligthning namespace lightning:tabset however it is still in BETA.

  • That's where I'm currently at - very limited subset. Anyway to enable the additional components? Commented Feb 24, 2015 at 18:21
  • The components are part of the release, so you're seeing what's there. We plan to release additional components in future releases.
    – Skip Sauls
    Commented Feb 24, 2015 at 18:53

There's a tab component available in the SLDSX package on GitHub:


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