I have a custom login page the makes use of the SiteLoginController. When the user inputs their username and password, I need a popup window to appear that they would need to acknowledge before it logs them in. So far, I've tried using some javascript in the command button, but I haven't had any luck.
VF Page:
function showSimpleDialog(){
var sd = new SimpleDialog("Test"+Dialogs.getNextId(), false);
sd.setTitle("Test Pop up");
window.parent.sd = sd;
sd.setContentInnerHTML("<p align='center'><img src='/img/msg_icons/warning32.png' style='margin:0 5px;'/></p><p align='center'>This is awesome!</p><p align='center'><br /><button class='btn' onclick='window.parent.sd.hide(); return false;'>cancel</button></p>");
showSimpleDialog(); //open the popup
<apex:form styleClass="form-login" id="loginForm" forceSSL="true">
<apex:actionFunction name="javascriptLogin" action="{!login}" />
<apex:pageMessages id="error" />
<apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"
value="{!$Label.site.username}" for="username" />
<apex:inputText styleClass="form-control" id="username"
value="{!username}" html-placeholder="username"/>
<apex:outputLabel styleClass="label"
value="{!$Label.site.password}" for="password" />
<apex:inputSecret styleClass="form-control" id="password" html-placeholder="password"
value="{!password}" onkeypress="return noenter(event);" />
<apex:commandButton value="Login" styleClass="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-block forgot-password btn-width btn-shade"
action="{!login}" id="submitbutton" onclick="showSimpleDialog()"/>
Any ideas on how to solve for this?