I note that in the Data Binding documentation you can use data binding either in a Custom Activity, or in a Journey Builder Activity (created with an Interaction API method).

I'm trying to figure out how to implement this. I note that it's used in conjunction with the InArguments and OutArguments for the Execute method.

What I would like to do is to use a value from my serialized Event data for a Contact record and use it in a subject line for a Send Email Activity.

I'm taking a wild stab in the dark here, but I'm assuming that I include the following in the arguments of the Send Email Activity:

        "myCustomSubject":"{{Contact.Attribute.[Member Preferences].[Preference]}}"

This will make myCustomSubject available for use in the Activity. Note that I am binding to Event data stored in a 'Member Preferences' Attribute Set and use the 'Preference' Atrribute for the Contact.

I'm trying to figure out how I can then use this Argument Activity. I would assume that my Activity might look something like this:

            "myCustomSubject":"{{Contact.Attribute.[Member Preferences].[Preference]}}"

This doesn't work though. Please can someone point me in the right direction?

3 Answers 3


What you should do is follow this example and use AMPscript in your subject.

    { "firstName":"{{Contact.Attribute.__your-de-name__.FirstName}}"},
    { "lastName":"{{Contact.Attribute.__your-de-name__.LastName}}"},
    { "emailAddress": "{{Contact.Default.Email}}"}                          

When you fire the event, you can pass data into the DE to be saved. Your custom activity can receive inArgument data to be used within the custom activity. A standard activity like Send Email can pull in DE data via AMPscript.

Also, see this question/answer/comments for more information.

  • do you have an example where you pass an array of values instead of a single value? example list of the last 3 emails names opened stored in a DE that I prepared for this purpose. I'm having a hard time figuring out the correct template structure.
    – Bechir
    Commented Nov 6, 2019 at 13:38

Ran into a similar issue - the documentation is a bit confusing. We shouldn't include square brackets when using databinding, so your inArguments should look like (assuming JSON):

"inArguments": {
  "myCustomSubject": "{{Contact.Attribute.\"Member Preferences\".Preference}}"

(Quotes around "Preference" are optional, since it has no whitespace.)

In the data binding documentation, they write:

Example: Contact.Attribute.["Product Orders"].["Product Name"]

Which is confusing, because they use the square brackets to indicate a variable, but they are supplying actual strings in place of variables. The documentation should probably be changed to:

Example: Contact.Attribute."Product Orders"."Product Name"


try this instead

 "{{Contact.Attribute.\\"Member Preferences\\".Preference}}"

you may need two escapes.

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