The bold lines are the lines that are not covered. Controller
public class GHI_Portal_Password_Controller {
public Boolean hasNewPassword { get; set; }
public Boolean hasSecurity { get;set; }
public Boolean isReset {get;set;}
public Boolean hasConfirmPassword { get; set; }
public String newPassword { get; set; }
public String confirmPassword { get; set; }
public String passwordMsg { get; set; }
public String securityError { get; set; }
public String charAllowed { get; set; }
public User currentUser { get; set; }
public Boolean passwordMatch{get;set;}
public GHI_Portal_Password_Controller(){
this.charAllowed = Label.GHI_Portal_AllowedChar;
this.hasConfirmPassword = true;
this.hasNewPassword = true;
passwordMsg = '';
passwordMatch= false;
currentUser = [Select GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c,GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c,GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c,
GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c,GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c, GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c from User where Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
// system.debug('@@currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c '+currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c);
if ((currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c != '') &&
(currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c != '') &&
(currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c != '') &&
(currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c != '') &&
(currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c != '') &&
(currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c != null && currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c != ''))
isReset = false;
isReset = true;
public PageReference changePasswordPage() {
PageReference prSiteChangePass;
if (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_1__c==null ||
currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_2__c==null ||
currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c == null || currentUser.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c==null) {
hasSecurity = true;
this.securityError = Label.GHI_Portal_SecurityError;
**else if(newPassword.length() > 20 || confirmPassword.length() > 20) {
this.passwordMsg = Label.GHI_Portal_PasswordMsg;
passwordMatch = true;**
//return ApexPages.currentPage();
**else if (newPassword.contains(' ')) {
this.passwordMsg = Label.GHI_Portal_PasswordMsg;**
//System.debug('@@passwordMsg2 ' + passwordMsg);
**passwordMatch = true;**
//return ApexPages.currentPage();
**else if (currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c ||**
currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c ||
currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c == currentUser.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c) {
**hasSecurity = true;
this.securityError = Label.GHI_Portal_UniqueQuestionMsg;**
**update currentUser;
prSiteChangePass = Site.changePassword(newPassword, confirmPassword);
return ((hasNewPassword && hasConfirmPassword) ? prSiteChangePass : ApexPages.currentPage());**
return ApexPages.currentPage();
Test Class
private class GHI_Portal_Password_Controller_Test {
private static testMethod void test() {
private static testMethod void testLogin() {
GHI_Portal_Password_Controller controller1 = new GHI_Portal_Password_Controller();
User testUser = new User();
testUser.Username= '[email protected]';
testUser.Email = '[email protected]';
testUser.Lastname = 'user';
testUser.Firstname = 'test';
testUser.Alias = 'test';
testUser.CommunityNickname = '12346test';
List<Profile> prof = [select Id from Profile where Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
List<UserRole> role = [select Id from UserRole where Name = 'finance'];
testUser.UserRoleId = role[0].Id;
testUser.ProfileId = prof[0].Id;
//testUser.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD';
testUser.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
testUser.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
testUser.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
testUser.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
testUser.UserPermissionsMobileUser = false;
insert testUser;
PageReference pageRef = Page.GHI_Portal_Login;
GHI_Portal_Login controller = new GHI_Portal_Login();
System.runAs(testUser) {
RecordType rtContact = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SObjectType='Contact' AND Name='Patient' LIMIT 1];
Account acct = OSM_DataFactory.createAccount('test test');
insert acct;
Contact ctct = OSM_DataFactory.createContact('test','test',rtContact.Id);
ctct.AccountId = acct.Id;
insert ctct;
User user = new User();
user.Username= '[email protected]';
user.Email = '[email protected]';
user.Lastname = 'user';
user.Firstname = 'test';
user.Alias = 'test';
user.CommunityNickname = '12346';
List<Profile> prof1 = [select Id from Profile where Name = 'GHI Portal User' LIMIT 1];
user.ProfileId = prof1[0].Id;
user.ContactId = ctct.Id;
//testUser.CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD';
user.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
user.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
user.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
user.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
user.UserPermissionsMobileUser = false;
user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_1__c ='';
user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_2__c ='';
user.GHI_Portal_Security_Question_3__c ='';
user.GHI_Portal_Answer_3__c = '';
insert user;
controller1.newPassword = 'dsadsadsada';
controller1.confirmPassword = 'dsadadasda';
update user;
update testUser;
update acct;
update ctct;
record, so they're always going to be null, which means the firstIF
statement will always evaluate to true and the code will never get to the rest of theELSE IF