I am fairly new to Salesforce and recently came across an interesting problem for which I have been trying to find a solution. My app has a Custom Object called MyCustomObject__c
with a VF named MyCustomObject.page
that calls a the StandardController MyCustomObject
and its extension MyCustomObjectControllerExt
. The Custom Object has a picklist (MyPickList__c
with 3 values: New
, Active
and Expired
and whose default value is set to New
on the picklist object. What I would like to achieve is to make the picklist defaulted to 'New' and Read-Only each time a new record is created (via the New Standard Salesforce button). I have first made the change to the Page Layout on the object by selecting the Read-Only option, however the user is still able to set whichever value they want to pick when creating a new record instance. I have then included the following code snippet in the VF:
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="My Custom Object">
<apex:outputField value="{!MyCustomObject__c.MyPickList__c}" />
I am not sure, however, how the controller extension needs further adapting to set the picklist to the default value. Currently, it includes the following:
public MyCustomObjectExt(ApexPages.StandardController standardcontroller){
MyCustomObject__c customObject = new MyCustomObject__c();
customObject.MyPickList__c = 'New';
this.controller = standardcontroller;
Am I leaning towards the right direction with this issue?
Thank you all for your help, much appreciated!