It will be great if you explain this in more detail.
As per my understanding till yet,
Either You want to show the List of records in Table on VF page
** ********************** In Controller (Apex Class) **********************
public Integer MYCount {get;set;}
List <Your_Object__c> lstObj =[select count(id) tmpCount,Name,Assigned_to__c,Total_No_Processed__c, Percentage_Completed__c from Your_Object__c];
MYCount = Integer.valueOf(lstObj.get('tmpCount'));
********************** In Your VF Page **********************
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstObj}" var="item" rendered="true">
<apex:column value="{!item.Assigned_to__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Total_No_Processed__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!item.Percentage_Completed__c }"/>
<!-- ********** OR to Access your Count Value ************ -->
<apex:column value="{! MYCount}"/>
Please, let me know if you facing in issue. Giving some code or hint will be more usefull. Do Cudo if found useful in answer.