After downloading eclipse after opening, select Help - Install New Software - Available Software Sites

Site name: Force.com IDE  
location: http://media.developerforce.com/force-ide/eclipse42

Select Force.com IDE and Next either at the bottom of the window currently or just before finishing the install and error message displays stating:

force.com ide (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.update.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found

This happens via the Eclipse site and with the built in marketplace.

1 Answer 1


This error occurs when the Eclipse package was not unzipped properly. There are issues with the Windows built in decompression settings that can cause the folders/files within the package from properly decompressing. To fix delete the Eclipse package that had been decompressed and use a program such as 7-zip to decompress the existing zip file.
Open Eclipse select Help - Install New Software - Available Software Sites and enter

Name:  Force.com IDE
location: http://media.developerforce.com/force-ide/eclipse42

This location works for both 4.2 and 4.3 and will allow for the installation for the app

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