I have a javascript method on my vf page which is called by a save button. This method performs some calculations, collects some data, and sends them to the save method in my controller as parameters using actionFunction
function validate() {
var somevar1 = //some calculation
var somevar2 = //some calculation
save(somevar1, somevar2);
<apex:actionFunction name="save" action="{!saveRecord}">
<apex:param name="somevar1" value=""/>
<apex:param name="somevar2" value=""/>
In my controller
public Pagereference saveRecord() {
Custom__Obj__c obj = new Custom__Obj__c();
obj.some__field1__c = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('somevar1');
obj.some__field2__c = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('somevar2');
insert obj;
Pagereference p = new Pagereference('/' + obj.Id);
return p;
Now here's my problem.
If - I do not put any rerender=" " in actionFunction then when I save the record I get redirected to the saved record page, BUT those two params somevar1 and somevar2 come in as null. So I end up saving the record but with null values for those two fields.
If - I do put rerender=" " in my actionFunction then when I save the record I DO NOT get redirected to the save record page, it still keeps me in the vf page, BUT those two params somevar 1 and somevar2 come in with their values.
Is this a salesforce bug or am I doing something wrong? Is there a way out of this?