I have an interesting question which I am having trouble solving. The table below will show you better what I have to do.

some table

Based on a multi-select picklist (column OU in the table above) the user is going to select several countries. Based on that selection - a field will be updated with the corresponding cluster values(could be multiple). After all this is done, another field should show in which region/s those clusters belong to.

My question is if anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this? Thank you in advance!

1 Answer 1


First Step, create 3 picklists:

  1. Picklist with 2 regions (Region 1 and Region2)
  2. Picklist with Clusters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
  3. Picklist with Countries 1 till 23.

Note: If you want to work with multi picklists select them from the field opportunities.*

Second Step, create field dependencies. You can locate them in Fields(second right button from when creating new field).

Then select New and select the values that you want:

  • Controlling Field: (should be picklist 1)
  • Dependent Field: (should be picklist 2)

Next you will get a window where you select the values from picklist 2 and include them into picklist 1.

The window will look something like this.enter image description here

Third Step, Do Step two for Picklist 2 and Picklist 3.

That is all, now when you go to the picklists, and open any of them you will get 3 fields to populate(Regions,Clusters,Countries),

  • @AlbertHristov tell me if this works for you, thanks. Commented Dec 5, 2014 at 9:03
  • hey, I meant something else in terms of business logic so this wasn't relevant but thanks for the tryout :) I ended up accomplishing this with some visualforce pages and styling them as normal fields. Thanks! Commented Dec 8, 2014 at 8:35

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