I have one object named "Order_batch__c" .In that i have records in such a way

enter image description here

I want to separate the data into two records one is parent object "order" and child object "order item"

  1. order consists of fields : customer po,account name, customer id
  2. order item consists of fields : nicomatic pin,quantity ordered


    trigger orderitem on order_batch__c (after insert , after update) {
    order__c[] orders = new order__c[] {};
    order__c[] uporders=new order__c[]{};
    set<string> ids=new set<string>();
    set<string> ids1=new set<string>();
    for (order_batch__c ob : Trigger.new){
   orders.add(new order__c(Customer_Po__c = ob.Or_customer_PO_Number__c));
    insert orders;

list<order__c> ord= new list<order__c>([select id,Customer_Po__c from order__c where Customer_Po__c in:ids ]);
for (order__c ob : ord){
   uporders.add(new order__c(id=ob.id,Customer_Po__c = ob.Customer_Po__c));     
    update uporders;

    Order_Item__c[] upitems = new Order_Item__c[] {};
    Order_Item__c[] items = new Order_Item__c[] {};   
    Integer index = 0;
    for (order_batch__c ob : Trigger.new)
 items.add(new Order_Item__c(
                Name = ob.Or_Nicomatic_p_n__c,
                Client_PN__c = ob.Or_clientpn__c,
                Quantity__c = ob.Quantity_Ordered__c,
                Request_Date__c = ob.Requested_Date__c,
                Discount__c = ob.Discount__c,
                Price__c = ob.Unit_price__c,
                Order__c = orders[index].Id
    insert items;

List<Order_Item__c> orderlineitem=new list<order_item__c>([select id ,name,Order_customer_po_number__c from order_item__c where Order_customer_po_number__c In:ids and name in:ids1]);
for (order_item__c ob : orderlineitem){
   upitems.add(new order_item__c(id=ob.id,name = ob.name));     
    update upitems;


My requirement is to separate records in parent and child records .when ever there is an update in order batch records it has to update accordingly parent or child.

I am getting error in the above trigger .can any body help me regarding this

  • Hi, what error are you getting, do you mean as update trigger fires or insert trigger fires, you want to create Parent/Child records? Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:14
  • @AmitBangad Error Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from String to SOBJECT:order__c at line 12 column 26
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:18
  • Both update and insert i want to fire triger .currently i am trying for insertion after i will update code for updation
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:19
  • Error: Compile Error: Invalid foreign key relationship: order__c.temp at line 12 column 28
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:21
  • @Keith C .my records updated functionality not working
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 5, 2014 at 9:24

2 Answers 2


Assuming you do want to create an ID-based relationship between Order_Item__c and Order__c, you will first have to insert the Order__c objects so their IDs are allocated. Bulkifying too, you end up with (may contain typos):

trigger orderitem on order_batch__c (after insert , after update) {

    order__c[] orders = new order__c[] {};
    for (order_batch__c ob : Trigger.new)
        orders.add(new order__c(
                Customer_Po__c = ob.Or_customer_PO_Number__c
    insert orders;

    Order_Item__c[] items = new Order_Item__c[] {};
    Integer index = 0;
    for (order_batch__c ob : Trigger.new)
        items.add(new Order_Item__c(
                Name = ob.Or_Nicomatic_p_n__c,
                Client_PN__c = ob.Or_clientpn__c,
                Quantity__c = ob.Quantity_Ordered__c,
                Request_Date__c = ob.Requested_Date__c,
                Discount__c = ob.Discount__c,
                Price__c = ob.Unit_price__c,
                Order__c = orders[index].Id
    insert items;

But by including "after update" you run the danger of many objects being created; perhaps for the update case the trigger should search for and update the Order__c and Order_Item__c records.

  • Thanks for your answer ,but update will be done from main order_batch__c
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:30
  • @Teja This trigger will fire and do more inserts as written at the moment.
    – Keith C
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:32
  • k fine .thankyou
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 9:33
  • @Teja Your current edits won't compile; I suggest if you choose to edit a answer you add to the answer not replace it.
    – Keith C
    Commented Dec 5, 2014 at 9:26
  • .i am sorry .I thought i am editing question .
    – Teja
    Commented Dec 5, 2014 at 9:51

If you can replace line 12 by :

o.Customer_Po__c= temp.Or_customer_PO_Number__c;

your primary error will be removed!


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