I'm trying to send an email that needs an eSignature using Docusign and Salesforce.
My requirement is to send an email that has an attached document that needs the signature. The attached document is created using Visualforce(rendered as PDF) and populated with fields from an Opportunity record.
So far, I have created an API for DocuSign and am able to send the email with the attachment to the recipient. Reference: http://developer.force.com/cookbook/recipe/accessing-docusign-api-from-salesforcecom-to-send-contracts-for-esignatures
My problem is, even though the email is sent, the status of the Docusign envelope is not tracked. Should I use the DocuSign app instead of using the API and use a custom button? or should I manually create the DocuSign_Status__c records from my code and use other WSDLs to get the status of the envelopes?