I noticed the links are not being tracked when the links are created into the AMPscript block (in between %%[]%%). When I hover the links in the email tests I receive they are normal links e.g. http://google.com instead of http://click.et.domainname.com/?qs=3847546732j4384672328h283464
What I have:
Var @type, @link
Set @type = [TYPE]
IF @type == '1' THEN
SET @link = 'http://www.google.com'
SET @link = 'http://www.yahoo.com'
then I call link in my email body like this:
Click here to open your page.
When I hover is showing http://www.google.com for example instead of e.g.
I tried using TreatAsContent() but again the links is printed as a string instead of being treated as a link and therefore being transformed by ET into a tracking URL.
Any thoughts?
Thanks, appreciate you input,