I had the following exception thrown at me when trying to process more than one selected records via a custom button in the list view.
Class Code
global class MerchandiseInventoryClass {
webservice static void ConverttoInventory(String[] merchandise_id)
//Convert Merchandise collection into Inventory Collection...
Merchandise__c[] merchandise_collection = [SELECT ID,Author__c,Book_Title__c,Edition__c,Publisher__c,Total_Merchandise_QtyTotal_Qty__c,Status__c FROM Merchandise__c WHERE ID = :merchandise_id];
Inventory__c i = new Inventory__c(); //Line 1
List<Inventory__c> newInventory = new List<Inventory__c>();
for(Merchandise__c m : merchandise_collection )
if(m.Status__c !='Fully Converted')
i.Author__c = m.Author__c ;
i.Book_Title__c = m.Book_Title__c;
i.Edition__c = m.Edition__c;
i.Publisher__c = m.Publisher__c;
i.Qty_Available__c = m.Total_Merchandise_QtyTotal_Qty__c;
i.Merchandise__c = m.Id;
m.Uninventoried_Qty__c = 0;
m.Status__c = 'Fully Converted';
insert newInventory;
update merchandise_collection;
By moving the Line 1 to within the for loop
solved the issue for me.
Thanks to this post (refer the Best Answer in that post)
What puzzles me is that WHY i have to instantiate "i" for every iteration within the loop.
Why the list collection ("newInventory") is complaining that are duplicate elements and why should it even confuse in the first place when I am performing an "insert" even ?