I have enabled Translations, with languages English and Russian. I have made one Custom Label and added a Russian translation. I have added that Custom Label to my Force.com Site. What do I need to change in Salesforce to view the Russian translation of that Custom Label in my Force.com Site?

I have tried changing the Locale and Language of Force.com Site Site Guest User but it did not work.

Changing my language to Russian and viewing the VisualForce page as /apex/PageName did work - it translated the label into Russian, but that is not what I want. I.e., This is viewing the Visualforce page as ADMIN; I want to know how to achieve the same (view the Russian translation) when viewing the Force.com Site as an unauthenticated user.

  • I don't really understand what do you want. If you can see the translation on the page - what else? Commented Dec 11, 2012 at 12:38
  • @mast0r, I can see the translation when I view the Visualforce page as an Admin. I want to know how to achieve the same when viewing the Force.com Site as an unauthenticated user. Commented Dec 11, 2012 at 12:44

2 Answers 2

<apex:page sidebar="true" showHeader="false" language="ru">

The language parameter of the page decides language.

Make a getter setter variable in the controller and use userinfo to get the language or through the query and populate on the language parameter.


This method works but still need to investigate more on why for unauthenticated user it's weird! Please try in different browser where only unauthenticated user is accessing page.


Make sure the custom labels you have translated are in vf tags <apex:outputText /> and not just stand alone text like <p>{!$Label.MyLabel}</p>

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