I have 557,029 Foo objects in my org. I want to count how many of each kind of picklist value there are within these:
Type 1 - 100,000 Type 2 - 60,000 Type 3 - 40,000 Type N - N
I thought I could do this with a @ReadOnly @RemoteAction and Javascript Remoting, as well as the GROUP BY ROLLUP(picklist api name) option.
global static Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> loadObjectValues(){
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> res = new Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>();
res.put('Bar__c', new Map<String, Integer>());
List<AggregateResult> ar = [Select Bar__c, COUNT(Name) total from Foo__c WHERE Bar__c != null GROUP BY ROLLUP(Bar__c)];
for(AggregateResult a: ar){
res.get('Bar__c').put((String)a.get('Bar__c'), (Integer)a.get('total'));
return res;
This gives me 7 Rows, and it explodes with this remoting message:
Visualforce Remoting Exception: Too many query rows: 1000001
Now, I know that the number of query rows for AggregateFunction are the number of records that were "touched" but not necessary returned, but if I only have 557k records, how can it count the same record twice? I'd like to know the exact calculation it's doing (the debug logs tell me nothing) so I can know if this is possible or not.
See Query Plan Tool screenshot below
EDIT 2: Experimenting with other records, it appears that the number of query rows returned is always double what it should be. In other words, it is 557029 * 2 > 1kk. I can't find any mention of that in the docs, maybe a bug?