I am new to Apex and trying to code a Trigger on the child Offer to update the parent Job Application fields to new values when a new offer record is created. This is the code that is giving me an error stating - Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST Any help would be appreciated.
trigger OfferTrigger on Offer__c (after insert, after update) {
//Create a List to hold the JobApps to be updated
List<Job_Application__c> jobApps = new List<Job_Application__c>();
//There is a validation rule on the Offer__c object that requires Job_Application__c
// to be Specified. Therefore we can assume all offers have a valid Job Application
for(List<Offer__c> offers:[select job_application__r.name from offer__c where id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()]){
for(Offer__c offer:offers){
offer.job_application__r.stage__c ='Offer Extended';
offer.job_application__r.status__c = 'Hold';
// perform the update of job application records
if (jobApps.size() > 0){
try {
Database.SaveResult[] saveResults = Database.update(jobApps.false);
// Now go thru the results and send errors to the debug logs.
Integer x = 0;
for(Database.SaveResult result:saveResults){
//Get the first save result error
Database.Error err = result.getErrors()[0];
System.debug('Unable to update Job Application, ' + jobApps[x].name + ' Error');
}catch (Exception e){
System.debug('error updating job applications: ' + e);