I have a community footer file that includes the jQuery library. When any standard page (i.e. edit/detail/list views) loads within the community the functionality is broken. For example, if I access a standard tab with a list view the list view will not load and gets stuck at "loading..". If any standard edit page is loaded the buttons (save, cancel) do not allow you to click on them.
I have narrowed down the problem to including jQuery (1.11) in the community footer file. I tried aliasing the jQuery variables with noconflict() but that does not make a difference. Even if I remove all of the jQuery code in the footer file it still breaks if the jQuery library is loaded.
Obviously there is a conflict with the standard SFDC jQuery being used. Any ideas on how to keep the jQuery library loaded in the footer and still get the standard pages to work correctly? jQuery is a requirement in order to load bootstrap which is also a requirement.