I have to compare month value of a custom object's date field, if it is of the current month. Please find the piece of code below. I am getting error here. Can someone help me?

Code piece:

for(Call2_vod__c call: [SELECT Id,Account_vod__c, Call_Date_vod__c, Status_vod__c, Detailed_Products_vod__c, CreatedBy.Primary_Territory_vod__c
     FROM Call2_vod__c 
     Month(Call_Date_vod__c) = :today.Month()
     and Detailed_Products_vod__c != null 
     and Detailed_Products_vod__c like 'SAMSCA%'
     and Status_vod__c = 'Submitted_vod' 
     and Account_vod__c IN: hcpAccountmap.Values()])

Error displayed,

Error: Compile Error: Invalid aggregate function: Month at line 43 column 29

  • What's the error displayed ?
    – SF_user
    Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 7:53
  • HI SF_USER, please find the error here Error: Compile Error: Invalid aggregate function: Month at line 43 column 29 Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 8:08

2 Answers 2


Month is apex function and will not work in SOQL. You should use CALENDAR_MONTH

Use query like bellow

select id,name from contact where  CALENDAR_MONTH(createddate) = 8 limit 10 


I guess your code will look like this:

Integer Int_Month = Date.today().month();
for(Call2_vod__c call: [SELECT Id,Account_vod__c, Call_Date_vod__c, Status_vod__c, Detailed_Products_vod__c, CreatedBy.Primary_Territory_vod__c
 FROM Call2_vod__c 
 CALENDAR_MONTH(Call_Date_vod__c) = :Int_Month 
 and Detailed_Products_vod__c != null 
 and Detailed_Products_vod__c like 'SAMSCA%'
 and Status_vod__c = 'Submitted_vod' 
 and Account_vod__c IN: hcpAccountmap.Values()])
  • Hi Atul, tried this. Getting below error. Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: today.Month() at line 45 column 38 Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 10:40
  • You cannot add a method into a query. Please get your integer value outside of your query. It should look like so... Integer thisMonth = today.Month(); Inside query ALENDAR_MONTH(Call_Date_vod__c) = :thisMonth
    – Double A
    Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 13:05
  • 1
    ok, updated my answer. Commented Aug 25, 2014 at 13:29

it is working by this.

for(Call2_vod__c call: [SELECT Id,Account_vod__c, Call_Date_vod__c, Status_vod__c, Detailed_Products_vod__c, CreatedBy.Primary_Territory_vod__c FROM Call2_vod__c WHERE Call_Date_vod__c = this_month and Detailed_Products_vod__c != null and Detailed_Products_vod__c like 'SAMSCA%' and Status_vod__c = 'Submitted_vod' and Account_vod__c IN: hcpAccountmap.Values()])

Thanks all of you!!

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