The Apex REST API documentation states that Apex REST is currently available through a pilot program. For information on enabling Apex REST for your organization, contact salesforce.com.

However, I can't find this wording or reference to this "pilot program" anywhere else, or dates on any of this information, including a technical library post on using the Apex REST API.

Is the API still in pilot mode? If not, what Editions of Salesforce is the API enabled for?

3 Answers 3


It should be accessible in any org where the SOAP API is enabled. For professional edition orgs this would mean either buying the API add-on pack or being part of a managed application with a special ClientId token that allows it to invoke the API.

If you have a PE org with the API add-on I'd contact support since I believe it's possible for the REST API to be disabled per-org and there might be some historical reason it's not enabled that support can fix via black tab.

  • Do you have any links that reference or talk about the API add-on pack, or that talk about the special identifier for managed applications? Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 13:07
  • 1
    @John I added links, but wasn't able to find any official salesforce docs about the API addon for PE. I linked to an sfdcfox answer which was the best I could find on the open web to support it. Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 18:03

According to a post on the Salesforce developer forums dated September 2011:

The Apex REST API was available as a pilot in Summer '11 and continues to be in pilot in this Winter '12 release. You can use Apex REST to implement custom Web services in Apex and expose them through the REST architecture.

Looks like it's available for all editions Professional and up - as @Matthew Mitchener stated, you have to have at least Professional in order to access APEX development.

In a week or two we'll turn the feature on for everybody.

The developers guide I linked to my question is dated as last updated July 22, 2011. Looks like the REST Web Service is explained more fully (and updated) inside the APEX API docs.


If you are trying to create a custom API endpoint you need at least Entreprise edition. This is because you need access to custom Apex development. Not sure if it's a pilot program, I've honestly never tried building one.

If you are simply trying to access Salesforce data from an external source, I don't think it matters what edition you have. Here's a guide for creating REST API requests: https://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_rest/

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