Pleasee use following code:
public with sharing class time_calculation {
public static String segment_text(String segment_string, Integer segment_integer, String prior_segments) {
String return_string; //string for returning
String spacer = ''; //string for holding an additional spacer
if (segment_string != 'Second') { //if the segment being determined is not Seconds
spacer = ' '; //create a spacer value
if (segment_integer > 1) { //if the value is greater than 1
return_string = segment_integer.format()+' '+segment_string+'s'+spacer; //format
} else if (segment_integer > 0) { //if the value is greater than 0
return_string = segment_integer.format()+' '+segment_string+spacer; //format
} else { //otherwise
if (prior_segments != '' || segment_string == 'Second') { //if there is a value for prior segments or this is the seconds segment
return_string = '0 '+segment_string+'s'+spacer; //format
} else {
return_string = ''; //set variable to null
return return_string; //pass back the string
public static String duration_between_two_date_times(DateTime start_date_time, DateTime end_date_time) {
Integer start_year_as_int = start_date_time.year(); //grab the start year
Integer start_day_as_int = start_date_time.dayOfYear(); //grab the start day
Integer start_hour_as_int = start_date_time.hour(); //grab the start hour
Integer start_minute_as_int = start_date_time.minute(); //grab the start minute
Integer start_second_as_int = start_date_time.second(); //grab the start second
Integer start_in_seconds = (start_year_as_int * 31556926) + (start_day_as_int * 86400) + (start_hour_as_int * 3600) + (start_minute_as_int * 60) + (start_second_as_int * 1); //convert the start date to a value in seconds
//there are 31556926 seconds in one year and that is why we are mutiplying the start_year_as_int value by 31556926 > this same logic applies to the days, hours & minutes logic which is why there are weird multipliers in that line of code
Integer end_year_as_int = end_date_time.year(); //grab the end year
Integer end_day_as_int = end_date_time.dayOfYear(); //grab the end day
Integer end_hour_as_int = end_date_time.hour(); //grab the end hour
Integer end_minute_as_int = end_date_time.minute(); //grab the end minute
Integer end_second_as_int = end_date_time.second(); //grab the end second
Integer end_in_seconds = (end_year_as_int * 31556926) + (end_day_as_int * 86400) + (end_hour_as_int * 3600) + (end_minute_as_int * 60) + (end_second_as_int * 1); //convert the end date to a value in seconds
Integer total_duration_in_seconds = end_in_seconds - start_in_seconds; //duration in seconds
Integer year_result = math.mod(math.floor(total_duration_in_seconds/31556926).intValue(),10000000); //number of years
Integer day_result = math.mod(math.floor(total_duration_in_seconds/86400).intValue(),365); //number of days
Integer hour_result = math.mod(math.floor(total_duration_in_seconds/3600).intValue(),24); //number of hours
Integer minute_result = math.mod(math.floor(total_duration_in_seconds/60).intValue(),60); //number of minutes
Integer second_result = math.mod(math.floor(total_duration_in_seconds/1).intValue(),60); //number of seconds
String year_text_string = segment_text('Year', year_result, ''); //string variable for text regarding Year
String day_text_string = segment_text('Day', day_result, year_text_string); //string variable for text regarding Day
String hour_text_string = segment_text('Hour', hour_result, year_text_string + day_text_string); //string variable for text regarding Hour
String minute_text_string = segment_text('Minute', minute_result, year_text_string + day_text_string + hour_text_string); //string variable for text regarding Minute
String second_text_string = segment_text('Second', second_result, year_text_string + day_text_string + hour_text_string + minute_text_string); //string variable for text regarding Second
String return_string = year_text_string + day_text_string + hour_text_string + minute_text_string + second_text_string;//concatenate all the strings into one for our resutling test string
return return_string; //pass back the final string