this is a beginner AmpScript question. I can't seem to even get past "Step One" in my attempt to learn AmpScript.
I am trying to follow the "AmpScript 101 tutorial" located here
I am trying to set a list of variables per the first example in the tutorial:
Var @memid, @fname, @lname, @prefname, @address, @zip, @mempref, @plat
Set @memid = MemberID
Set @fname = FirstName
Set @lname = LastName
Set @prefname = PrefName
Set @address = Address
Set @zip = Zip
Set @mempref = MemPref
Set @plat = Plat
And the following code works fine with only the variable "@memid" set:
Var @memid, @fname, @lname, @prefname, @address, @zip, @mempref, @plat
Set @memid = MemberID
Then, when I set the variable "@fname," the code also works fine.
Var @memid, @fname, @lname, @prefname, @address, @zip, @mempref, @plat
Set @memid = MemberID
Set @fname = FirstName
Then, again, when I set the variable "@lname" the code also works.
Var @memid, @fname, @lname, @prefname, @address, @zip, @mempref, @plat
Set @memid = MemberID
Set @fname = FirstName
Set @lname = LastName
But if I try to set any more than those three variables, my code completely breaks. Why is this happening? I've searched and searched for an answer, and I can't seem to figure out what's going on.
For example, this code will throw an error:
Var @memid, @fname, @lname, @prefname, @address, @zip, @mempref, @plat
Set @memid = MemberID
Set @fname = FirstName
Set @lname = LastName
Set @prefname = PreferredName
(The error is "The SET variable value expresion(sic) is invalid. See inner exception for detail. Script: Set @prefName = PreferredName Variable Name: @prefname The SET variable value expresion is invalid. See inner exception for detail. Script: Set @prefname = PreferredName Variable Name: @prefname Index: 4459 ListID: 452"
Or, when I try to set any other variable such as @address, @zip, @mempref, or @plat, I get a similar error.
Also, any other random variable that I attempt to set creates the same error. For example, this code:
Var @grapefruit
Set @grapefruit = CitrusFruit
The code above produces this error: "The SET variable value expresion(sic) is invalid. See inner exception for detail. Script: Set @grapefruit = CitrusFruit Variable Name: @grapefruit Index: 4312 ListID: 452"
I can't seem to successfully set ANY variables at all apart from three specific ones: @memid, @fname, @lname
The fact that I am only able to set three specific variables makes no sense to me. But I can't seem to spot what my error is, or where I'm going wrong, and I can't figure out why code in a basic 101 tutorial would not work for me. This is probably a silly, stupid question with an obvious answer, but I am truly stuck and cannot find a way to get out of the gate with this.
Information about my development environment: I am using the SalesForce Marketing Cloud's development environment. I'm working under Email > Content > Template-based email. I have tried writing this same code in a straight HTML email, and I am getting precisely the same errors regardless of whether I'm using straight-up HTML or a template, but am currently working with template-based email. To see if the code is working, I am clicking "Send Preview," selecting a test recipient, and then clicking on "Generate Preview" which then either generates a functioning preview of the e-mail (with variables @memid, @fname, or @lname) or an error message (with any other attempt to set any other variable)