EDIT: This is a duplicate question. Answer here if you have a good answer: lightning-input type date, hide date format below the field
With the Winter '25 release there is an update that adds the expected format for a date or datetime below it. This is supposed to help the user enter a date when not using the date picker.
Is there a way to get rid of this?
I've had a look at the HTML for this div and it uses the class slds-form-element__help
which doesn't have a styling hook, and I can't find any configuration on the lighting-input
Winter '25 Release Information: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=release-notes.rn_lc_base_component_accessibility.htm&release=252&type=5
Improve Accessibility with Base Lightning Components
The lightning-input component now displays the expected date format below the text input field for input types date and datetime. This informative text helps users who enter the date in the text field instead of selecting from the date picker. Previously, users were informed of the expected format in an error message if they entered the date incorrectly.