I'm tying to process logic in nested ForEach Loops and when completed set a loading flag to false
. however the this.isLoading = false;
code is being hit before the For Loops complete.
I wondered if there is a flag/way to determine that the forEach loops have completed?
Thanks in advance for your help. You'll note the "Reaching here before loops completed." comment in the following code. I would like this only to fire when the forEach logic has actually completed.
@wire(getProgrammesList, { contactId: "$recordId" })
wiredProgrammesList({ error, data }) {
this.isLoading = true;
if (data) {
(Object.keys(this.programmeList)).forEach((progIdKey) => {
let programmesForChannel = this.programmeList)[progIdKey];
Object.entries(programmesForChannel).forEach(([key]) => {
console.log('Hello from here ' + key);
let myObj = this.checkAndApplyStatusForProgrammes(programmesForChannel[key]);
this.programmesByChannelByStatus[programmesForChannel[key].Channel_Code__c] = myObj;
this.isLoading = false; // Reaching here before loops completed.
} else if (error) {
console.log('AN ERROR occurred ' + this.error);
this.error = error;
this.programmesByChannelByStatus = {};
this.isLoading = false;