While creating a 2GP package version via the salesforce CLI, I am receiving the following error:

You don't have the right to create Lightning pages of type EmailTemplatePage.

I made sure that my User has permissions granted for managing email templates, but I still receive the same error.

Are Flexipages with a type of EmailTemplatePage able to be packaged? Or is this error simply caused by a permission or other setting that I am missing?

  • The metadata coverage report does not mention any issues with packaging flexipages for 1GP or 2GP.
    – Phil W
    Commented Jun 26 at 6:11
  • After posting yesterday, I realized that Lightning Email Templates are not supported for 2GP packaging. I am getting the error for the flexipages related to our Lightning Email Templates. I think that is likely the reason for the error. Commented Jun 26 at 13:01
  • Please provide a self-answer so we can close the question. Ensure you quote the documentation and provide a link to where you read they are not supported for 2GP packaging.
    – Phil W
    Commented Jun 26 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


Lightning Email Templates are currently not supported for 2GP packaging, only for 1GP.

enter image description here


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