I have community enanbled in my org. As you all know, once someone registered as a community user, Salesforce will create a Contact for it. Now I would like this community user to update certain fields in Contact.
I understand that it can be achieve by creating a visual force page then pull out the contact field so that the community user is able to update from there.
Now the problem is, we have restricted community users on Contact object, they have no 'Read' permission on Contact so certainly my visualforce page will show blank.
The reason why I want to restrict community user is because in our community site we also have the global search function, if I do not restrict community user on Contact object, the global search will return contact as well which is not comply to our security. We do not want each community user to see other's contact's profile. It's P&C.
So now i would like to know is there any way i can:
1) modify the global search function not to return contact results since it is a standard smart search
<iframe scrolling="yes" height="1000px" frameBorder="0" name="theIframe" src="https://mycomp.force.com/search/SmartSearch?str={!$CurrentPage.parameters.msg}" width="1020px"></iframe>
2) a way for community user to update contact's field without 'Read' permission on Contact.