
Coud you please help?

I need convert this SQL code to Salesforce Formula

left(Price_Lookup_Id, case when charindex(':', Price_Lookup_Id) = 0 then len(Price_Lookup_Id) else charindex(':', Price_Lookup_Id)-1 end

Do you have any idea how to rewrite to formulas sytnax?


1 Answer 1


I hope this can help.

LEFT(Price_Lookup_Id, IF(FIND(":", Price_Lookup_Id, 1) = 0, LEN(Price_Lookup_Id), FIND(":", Price_Lookup_Id, 1) - 1))

If you face anything let me know.

  • Thank You bro! It is working!
    – Ostap
    Commented Mar 1 at 9:40

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