
I have to two fields Payment status and manager status So have to create a validation rule where if Manager status is Blank and payment status is closed then block payment status update.

My formula is AND(ISPICKVAL(Manager_Status,''), ISPICKVAL(Payment_status,'Resolved'),ISCHANGED(Payment_status))

But my formula is not working and no validation giving while saving the change

  • 1
    Hi and welcome to SFSE. Please read How to Ask and perhaps take the tour before you edit your question to show what you have tried and where you are stuck. Without this, your question is likely to be closed without answer.
    – Phil W
    Commented Feb 29 at 7:11
  • give more detais: what kind of error do you get and what is your context of getting the error. That would help others reproduce your case Commented Feb 29 at 13:46
  • Does your formula use the __c for custom fields API names? Commented Mar 2 at 21:49

2 Answers 2


You can create a validation rule like AND( ISBLANK(Manager_Status__c), ISPICKVAL(Payment_Status__c, "Closed") )

considering Manager_Status__c is text and Payment_Status__c is picklist field .

If both are picklist you can use AND( ISPICKVAL(Manager_Status__c, ""), ISPICKVAL(payment_Status__c, "Closed") )

  • This has not worked
    – Rika Das
    Commented Feb 29 at 9:40

Try this, here Manager_Status__c and Payment_Status__c are as picklist fields

AND( ISBLANK(  TEXT( Manager_Status__c ) ) ,
 NOT( ISPICKVAL( Payment_Status__c , "Closed") ) 
  • If you want it to run only when updating the record then use this -------- ``` AND( ISBLANK( TEXT( Manager_Status__c ) ) , NOT( ISPICKVAL( Payment_Status__c , "Closed") ) , NOT( ISNEW() ) ) ``` Commented Mar 1 at 6:40

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