So I created this transactional send definition with the api here and now I was wondering if there is a way to view it in the UI. I can't seem to find anything that indicates this is possible. Any advice is appreciated.


2 Answers 2


options.createJourney boolean A value of true updates the send definition to make it available in Journey Builder as a Transactional Send Journey. After the definition is tied to a Transactional Send Journey, the definition remains part of Journey Builder. You can’t unlink a journey from a definition without recreating the transactional send definition.


For a slightly different endpoint interaction/v1/eventDefinitions you could add below in the main JSON tree (request payload):

"isVisibleInPicker": true

You could add below attribute as well to control the visual representation of a definition:

"iconUrl": "/events/images/icon_journeyBuilder-event-api-blue.svg"

You would then have to create a journey and attach that defintion.

Adding an email activity of a transactional send type to the Journey payload would make you achieve your goal (triggering transactional emails via API and having send definition visible via UI): POST: /interaction/v1/interactions -> EMAILV2: configurationArguments.triggeredSend.sendClassificationId

It would be a different endpoint though so we're talking about a workaround of some sort.

  • Where in the salesforce UI would I see the send definition? Commented Jan 15 at 22:23
  • There's event definitions drop-down menu in Journey Builder App - you should see one there
    – jc_mc
    Commented Jan 16 at 7:58
  • Events -> entry sources
    – jc_mc
    Commented Jan 16 at 8:16
  • Tried to do it, but get this error: "Unrecognized field name isVisibleInPicker" Commented Jan 16 at 15:58
  • Ah right - I was using interaction/v1/eventDefinitions. I am using entry type of "Event" which is an API type. You could add an email activity then of a transactional type I presume when creating a journey using such event: POST: interaction/v1/interactions - triggeredSend.sendClassificationId would control the classification. It is not strictly transactional event send definition though
    – jc_mc
    Commented Jan 16 at 18:32

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