I am trying to save the values from checkbox group in apex. I have converted the values from comma delemited to a list of strings. How can I save the values into the picklist type field. I have checkbox group of colors and there is a picklist field in the custom object which saves color options you choose at the front end.
in Lightning page
get acc_status_options() {
return [
{ label: 'Black', value: 'Black' },
{ label: 'White', value: 'White' },
{ label: 'Red', value: 'Red' },
{ label: 'Yellow', value: 'Yellow' },
{ label: 'Green', value: 'Green' },
in apex i am receiving the parameter as comma delimited string and converting it to the list of String.
List selectedColors = colors.split(',');
How to save this multiple selected list values into the database field
MyObj obj = new MyObj(); obj.yourcolors__c = selectedColors;
insert obj;
I am getting error. Can not save record.