I've hit a bit of a snag and could use some insights.
The Core Issue So, I've been working on this 2G managed package (API version 59) and finally got it released and installed in the production Org. It's got 7 flows in total - 2 Screen Flows and 5 autolaunched ones. The catch? Only the first two (both record-triggered autolaunched flows) are working right in production.
Suspected Culprit: Permissions I'm thinking this might be a permissions issue. In my package, I set up two permission sets: 'Sales_Person' and 'System_Admin'. Both have the 'Run Flows' option ticked in the Flow and Flow Orchestration section. But here's the twist - I originally forgot to check this option in the initial versions. Even after fixing this in newer versions, the permission sets don’t seem to update post-installation. My temporary fix was creating a new set, 'System_Admin_2', and manually adding permissions. But no dice - the other 5 flows still won’t run.
Deployment Details A bit more on the deployment side: Following Salesforce's guidelines (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_visual_workflow.htm#md_flow_upgrade), I axed the FlowDefinitions directory before creating the package. This solved some initial errors, but here’s the thing - the working flows are pretty basic, just copying text fields based on a user action. The more complex ones, especially dealing with M-D objects, are the ones giving me headaches.
Field-Level Security Concerns I also noticed some of the custom fields these non-functioning flows reference had their 'field level security' visibility turned off. I've corrected most of them, but maybe I missed a few? Is there a more efficient way to double-check the visibility of all fields?
Any tips or advice would be massively appreciated. Thanks a bunch!