
There is something really strange, I got these errors after try to create patch update version

vctqs1@Thus-MBP erp-salesforce % sf package version create --package 'Manabie User' --installation-key password123 -w 10 -v pbo_manabie
(node:8032) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
 ›   Warning: @salesforce/cli update available from 2.12.9 to 2.14.6.
Version create.... Create version status: Error
Error (1): Multiple errors occurred: 
(1) Account.Household: Picklist value: Advertisement in picklist: AccountSource not found
(2) Contact.Parent: Picklist value: Advertisement in picklist: LeadSource not found
(3) Contact.Staff: Picklist value: Advertisement in picklist: LeadSource not found
(4) Contact.Student: Picklist value: Advertisement in picklist: LeadSource not found
(5) Account.Location: Picklist value: Account%2EAccountSource in picklist: AccountSource not found

I tried to create new package versio from to it works fine with current metadata Then try to create with exactly same metadata from to it breaks and appear those errors. Although LeadSource and AccountSource already exist here in my screenshot enter image description here Also I really confuse why was created successfully without anything

1 Answer 1


Turn out because we have not enabled patching https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pkg2_dev.meta/pkg2_dev/sfdx_dev_dev2gp_create_patch_version.htm

To enable patch versioning, log a case in the Salesforce Partner Community and request patch versioning be enabled in the org where you created the namespace for this package.

and StandardValueSets is not accepted in patching version This is known issue https://issues.salesforce.com/issue/a028c00000mNTs0AAG/the-standardvaluesets-are-not-supported-correctly-when-creating-patch-package-versions

Reference 2GP managed package: cannot create a patch release

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