This is a line chart I plan to show in the Account detail page, but I am unable to pass the record Id from the page to LWC to Apex class. The LWC is used in a screen flow. In the Lightning page I pass the record Id.


    import {LightningElement, wire, track, api} from 'lwc';
    import { getRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
    import getEstosDatos from '@salesforce/apex/BC_PuntajeActor3valores.getEstosDatos';
    export default class BC_PuntajeActor3valores extends LightningElement {
        @api recordId;
        @track chartConfiguration;
        @track data;
        @wire(getEstosDatos , { recordId: "$recordId"})
        WireGetEstosDatos({error, data}) {
            if (error) {
                this.error = error;
          console.log('error => ' + JSON.stringify(error));
          this.chartConfiguration = undefined;
            } else if (data) {
                    let chartData = []; 

The Apex class is

public class BC_PuntajeActor3valores {
    public static List<BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c> getEstosDatos(String actorId){
        return BC_PuntajeActor3valores.obtenerDatosGrafico(actorId);
    public static List<BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c> obtenerDatosRemotos(String actorId){
        return BC_PuntajeActor3valores.obtenerDatosGrafico(actorId);
    public static List<BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c> obtenerDatosGrafico(String actorId){
        List<BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c> estosDatos = new List<BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c>();
        estosDatos = [select id, BC_Fecha__c, BC_Puntaje__c, BC_Orden__c from BC_Puntaje_semanal_actor__c where BC_Actor__c =: idActor order by BC_Orden__c];
        return estosDatos;

Note that if I change the @wire line to @wire(getEstosDatos , { recordId: "001H..."}) (it is, I tried with a specific Account) it does the trick (so I understand all the logic works, except that I'm unable to pass the record Id from the page to the LWC to the class).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • How are populating the recordId in the flow?
    – fred
    Commented Sep 20, 2023 at 16:31
  • In the App builder, I'm passing the {!Record.id} to the flow. Actually, the screen flow shows more info and it's reading the Id with no problem. Commented Sep 20, 2023 at 17:03


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