Does the 'Id' attribute work the same for apex elements as it does for html elements?

The anchor tag below, gets the background image, but the outputlink does not.

Am I doing somthing wrong? Can this be fixed?

    width: 100px;
    height: 115px;
    margin-right: 15px;

    background: url('{! URLFOR($Resource.folder, 'imgs/image.png') }') left top no-repeat;

<apex:outputLink id="myId" styleClass="dm_lp_imgs" target="_top" value=""> </apex:outputLink>

<a id="myId" class="dm_lp_imgs"></a>


1 Answer 1


Apex tags automatically generate strings for the IDs unless all of the parent DOM structure have IDs defined as well. In that case it would be something like bodyID:formID:elementID. For this scenario I'd suggested using a class for your CSS as its best practice anyway.

  • Chhers Phil B, appreciate the informative response!
    – Daft
    Jun 18, 2014 at 8:47

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