I am having a requirement where I have to display amount coming from apex in Vietnamese format in VF page. As there are lots of amount and lots of calculation going behind it so I can't do it in Apex. Eg - 1234567 --> 1.234.567
Things I tried -
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,###.##}">
<apex:param value="{!amount}" />
It is giving me in 1,234,567 format. I tried ###.###.## but it is giving me invalid format. I also tried adding a script tag by using standard ne.toLocaleString('vi-VN') method and used document.write to add. eg :
<td><script>var amt =amt.toLocaleString('vi-VN');document.write(amt) </script></td>
. But as I am generating pdf document.write is not working. It is working when I remove renderas = "pdf"