I am building a custom unsubscription pgae. The code works fine for that particular BU. The subscriber is getting unsubscribed successfully.But, not from the other member ID's that i am embedding in the link.
I have used the unsubscribe code - To unsubscribe a subscriber from ALL Subscribers and her's the link in which i am passing the values
%%=RedirectTo(URLencode(Concat('https://{Cloud page URL}?SubscriberKey=',AttributeValue('_subscriberkey'),'&mid=',Concat(AttributeValue('memberid'),','{Memberid_2}),'&JobID=',AttributeValue('jobid'),'&BatchID=',AttributeValue('_JobSubscriberBatchID'),'&Reason=',Concat('one click unsubscribe from email footer') ,'&Locale=',AttributeValue('Locale'),'&ver=',GUID())))=%%
The functionality is working fine from which the email is being sent, but is not getting updated in the BU.