I have a user input search bar where the user will input their "City", "Address", and "State". Then the user will click the search button, which will change to a Boolean value to equal 'true'. This Boolean value is then past to my function which will go though a If/Else condition. If the Boolean = 'true': then it includes the 'City' and 'State' (So I can get the 9 (or less) recent "Signed" opportunities from the 'city' & 'State' to the array). Else the Boolean will just set to the 9 most recent "Signed" opportunities to the array (without narrowing the array down via 'city' & 'state').
mapping.js Code (with SearchClick button):
is the Boolean value)
// Method for when the search button is clicked in the "mappingBox" LWC.
SearchClick(message) {
if(message.operator == true){
// The address entered into the search bar.
const ArrStreet = SearchString.split(',');
SearchStreet = ArrStreet[0];
// The town or city entered into the search bar.
const ArrCity = SearchString.split(',');
SearchCity = ArrCity[1];
UpdateOpportunities = true;
// Updates and locates the location searched.
this.mapMarkers = MapMarkers(SearchCity, SearchState, SearchStreet, ClickData, UpdateOpportunities);
MapMarkers.js Code:
export function MapMarkers(SearchCity, SearchState, SearchStreet, Opportunities, UpdateOpportunities){
let NineRecentOpportunities;
let validStages;
let validCity;
let validState;
if(UpdateOpportunities == true){
// Sets the 9 most recent "Signed" opportunities in the searched: 'City & State' to the array.
validStages = ['Signed', 'Signed LOI'];
validCity = [SearchCity];
validState = [SearchState];
NineRecentOpportunities = Opportunities.filter(
(record) => validCity.indexOf(record.Service_City__c) > -1, validState.indexOf(record.Service_State__c) > -1, validStages.indexOf(record.StageName) > -1 ).slice(-9);
} else {
// Sets the 9 most recent "Signed" opportunities to the array.
validStages = ['Signed', 'Signed LOI'];
NineRecentOpportunities = Opportunities.filter(
(record) => validStages.indexOf(record.StageName) > -1 ).slice(-9);
Refined Question:
The Else-statement seems to be working for me giving me all the 9 most recent "Signed" opportunities to the array. But the If-statement isn't narrowing the array down by 'city' & 'state' of the 9 or less recent "Signed" opportunities. Is it because It will fail if their are less-then 9 "Signed" opportunities in that city, or is it the Boolean value that's not pasting correctly?