enter image description hereenter image description herei am trying to create a flow for our org ,so as per requirement we have 4 checkboxes to a record and for every checkbox marked or in combination it should send the email to that particular group(checkbox people) for example : 4 checkboxes arch req bu req state req default

when a case is created with arch required checkbox to true then it should send the arch related email alert and in combination like arch req ,bu req then it should send two email alerts arch req,bu req ..go on if all 4 marked then 4 email alerts should go ...

i tried creating seperate flows for each group it wokred for me but when i am trying to create all in one flow using decision it is sending to only first outcome mentinoed ,,,not at all passing to other elements

enter image description here

  • Please add the screenshot of the Decision element
    – apz
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 13:39
  • Your flow will only execute one of the email alerts, the first one for which the condition is true. Look at how after sending you "end" the flow. You need to break this into a sequence of decisions that chain through, sending the email alert for each option (or not sending) then moving on to the next option. Effectively you will have 4 decisions with the one branch going through an Email Alert and another that does nothing, and where both branches join up again at the following decision (or the end of the flow). Remember to handle failures too.
    – Phil W
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 13:46
  • @apz i have added decision screenshot ..
    – rizu
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 14:35
  • @phil W:how to break into sequence of decisions can you help me to understand
    – rizu
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 14:35
  • tried to vhange mentioned like above screenshot but still going to only one condition
    – rizu
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 14:50

1 Answer 1


You need to change this into a cascade of conditions, where each either does or does not send the required email. I've illustrated the flow structure for the first two decisions here, you need to have this with a sequence of 4 decisions, each deciding on whether to send the relevant email:

Cascading conditions and email sending

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