Can you please help with below issue. i am trying to get name of field or key of lighting record form when phone number is changed. Every time when i try to print the name it's giving name of very first instance of lightning record form. You can consider this data as input.
listofRecords = [{Id : 'salesforceId1',
name_field__c : 'Test1',
phone : '23456786332'},
{Id : 'salesforceId1',
name_field__c : 'Test1',
phone : '23456786332'},
{Id : 'salesforceId1',
name_field__c : 'Test1',
phone : '23456786332'}]
html code :
<template for:each = {listofRecords} for:item = "r1">
<lightning-input-field field-name="name_field__c" data-id="name_field__c"></lightning-input-field>
<lightning-input-field field-name="Phone_field__c" data-id="Phone_field__c" onChange="handleChange"></lightning-input-field>
java script code :
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class LwcRecordViewForm extends LightningElement {
let namefield = this.template..querySelector('[data-name="name_field__c"]');
// print key of lightning record form or corresponding name of changed phone