I have an array JSON which contains custom fields as well as some other data as below,
jsonString = '[{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFL2QAO","Name":"TCIP-0000022","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Men\'s denim apparel | PC0006 - Pants, trousers | PD0003 - 50% [No attribute] Acrylic,50% Recycled post-consumer Polyester","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":100,"Amount_kg":"30","id":"row-0"},{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFgSQAW","Name":"TCIP-0000024","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Men\'s denim apparel | PC0006 - Pants, trousers | PD0003 - 50% Sustainably sourced Bamboo","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":100,"Amount_kg":"10","id":"row-1"},{"Id":"a2l0E000000WFRpQAO","Name":"TCIP-0000023","SCTC_Product_Description__c":"Women\'s apparel | PC0002 - Overcoats, jackets, vests | PD0001 - 50% Recycled post-consumer Polyester","SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c":50,"Amount_kg":"11","id":"row-2"}]';
I was trying to deserialize this JSON at the apex controller below is my code:
JS Controller:
handleCheck(event) {
this.inputAmount = 0;
let selectedRows = [];
// this.selectedRows = [];
let rowValue = event.detail.config.value;
let draftValues = this.template.querySelector("lightning-datatable").draftValues;
selectedRows = [...event.detail.selectedRows];
let configSelection = event.detail.config.selection;
for(let i = 0; i < draftValues.length; i++){
if(configSelection =='rowSelect' && draftValues[i].id === rowValue){
let newConcatedRow = {...selectedRows[i],Amount_kg: draftValues[i].Amount_kg};
this.addition = this.addition + parseInt(draftValues[i].Amount_kg);
//call apex method to for calculations
testApexMethod({jsonData: this.selectedRows})
.then(result =>{
.catch(error => {
Apex Controller:
public with sharing class Demo {
public class DemoWrapper{
public String Id{get;set;}
public String Name{get;set;}
public String SCTC_Product_Description__c{get;set;}
public Integer SCTC_Raw_Material_Inventory_kg__c{get;set;}
public String Amount_kg{get;set;}
public static void testApexMethod(List<Object> jsonData){
/* Stuck Here */
Problem 1: Unable to parse data using wrapper class as I have custom fields included, I'm unable to directly assign value to wrapper class variables __c characters are reserved Problem 2: Tried to parse data directly using Map and failed, I'm getting errors at runtime
Any help with the code will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.