We have Okta setup as a SSO provider for Salesforce. We want to restrict all non-Administrators from logging in with their Salesforce Username and Password. However, we still want Administrators to be able to login with their username and password.
According to this Salesforce article, this is what I need to do to force users to login through Okta:
However, I'm a little hesitant to click the "Disable login with Salesforce credentials" option under the Delegated Authentication section. No where does it say, that I can see at least, that this only applies to non-Administrator profiles only. I'm concerned that if I click this option, all administrators as well as standard users will be required to login in through Okta. If this is not the case, the name is very misleading.
Will enabling the "Disable login with Salesforce credentials" prevent System Administrators from logging in with their Salesforce Username and Password?