I have a custom detail page vf button on Opportunity, once the user clicks it, it runs few validations and redirects to another vf page. It works in Lightning experience in PROD and Sandbox in browser and I could see the debug statements in the controller.
When I test the button in mobile app from my sandbox it works and I could see the debug logs in sandbox when I navigate through this button from mobile Salesforce app.
However when I test the same button in mobile app from Production, it says "Page does not exist Enter a valid url and try again" and also I cannot see any debug logs generated for it.
I mobile app settings, I have Enabled Lightning logs as well.
Appreciate any insights into this issue.
newPage = new PageReference(result);
System.debug('Inside LEGenIO controller:genIOVals:success:BEFORE REDIRECT:newPage==> '+ newPage);
return newPage;
For all the vf pages involved in this button, I have checked the box "Available for Lightning Experience, Experience Builder sites, and the mobile app"