LWC lightning-button icons are too low relative to button label. For example...
<lightning-button-group class="slds-m-top_x-small slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-align_right">
<lightning-button label="Add" icon-name="utility:add"></lightning-button>
<lightning-button label="Delete Selected" icon-name="utility:delete"></lightning-button>
Odd that Salesforce does not vertically-align icons with the button label.
To override the behavior, I would normally do something like this...
svg.slds-button__icon {
position: relative;
top: -2px;
/* or... */
svg.slds-button__icon {
margin-bottom: 4px;
The Local Development Server appears to strip this out (and I know restyling slds classes is not recommended per the docs).
Styling hooks appear to be the recommended way to do it but...
- Setting a custom CSS variable on :host breaks the Local Development Server. This seems to be a known issue Salesforce is unwilling to fix and I'm not sure how to workaround that problem.
- Even if #1 worked, I am not seeing categories and properties for
that let me set the bottom margin or make the icon a relative position.
Do I need to create my own component based on the template for the lightning-button or is there an easier way to get the result I want?