I'm writing a lwc where i need to manipulate a datatable which is filled with a wrapper of 2 objects.
My apex: (SkillsReferencialAndMapping is just a wrapper with 2 parameter, which are 2 sObjects)
public with sharing class DatatableSkillsOnSR {
* @description getDatatable get the Conformity check related to one conformity
* @param confId recordId the Conformity
* @return return a list of ConformityCheck__c
public static List<SkillsReferentialAndMappingObj> getSkillFromSRID (Id srId) {
ServiceResource sr = [SELECT RelatedRecord.ServiceGroup__c FROM ServiceResource WHERE Id =: srId limit 1];
String srService = sr.RelatedRecord.ServiceGroup__c;
List<SkillMappingReferential__c> listSMR = [SELECT Id, NoCriteria__c, Name, Service__c, ( SELECT Id, SkillMappingReferential__c, IsActive__c, IsAlwaysActive__c FROM Competence__r WHERE ServiceResource__c =: srId) FROM SkillMappingReferential__c WHERE Service__c =: srService];
// List<ServiceResourceSkill__c> listSRS = [SELECT id, SkillMappingReferential__c, IsActive__c, IsAlwaysActive__c FROM ServiceResourceSkill__c WHERE ServiceResource__c =: srId];
List<SkillsReferentialAndMappingObj> listSRMObj = new List<SkillsReferentialAndMappingObj>();
for(SkillMappingReferential__c smr : listSMR){
SkillsReferentialAndMappingObj srmObj = new SkillsReferentialAndMappingObj();
srmObj.skillMappingRef = smr;
if(smr.Competence__r.size() > 0){
srmObj.serviceResourceSkill = smr.Competence__r[0];
return listSRMObj;
as you can see sometimes i don't have a parameter filled for serviceResourceSkill (my index 0).
On some action i want to create the serviceResourceSkill, so i use a createRecord in the lwc. I also want to update my wrapper in JS. Basically i want to add to my index 0 what i have index 1.
here is my lwc:
@api recordId
_errors = [];
listOfObjects = [];
isLoading = false;
get errors() {
const errors = this._errors.filter( x => x !== undefined );
return errors.length > 0 ? errors : null;
@wire(getdata, { srId: '$recordId' })
handleResult(result, error){
this.listOfObjects = result.data;
console.log('this.listOfObjects: ', this.listOfObjects);
}else if ( error ) {
this._errors.push( error );
console.log('event.target.dataset.id: ' , event.target.dataset.id);
const index = this.listOfObjects.findIndex(item => item.skillMappingRef.Id === event.target.dataset.id);
this.listOfObjects[index].test = 'zzz';
I get the index and id right but on the last line I have the following error, it seems that this.listOfObjects[index] is not an object? I'm kind of lost here. I tryied .push() as for array it doesn't work either.
I played around with this url: https://www.educative.io/answers/how-to-add-property-to-an-object-in-javascript
Making the example into an array of object and adding a property, it works.