I am using a screen flow where I used picklist. I need to display the picklist values based on condition. If I used Component visibility , the whole picklist component is hided instead only the values should display based on condition. How can I achieve this? Thanks in Advance! Work type group stagepicklist

1 Answer 1


You can create a LWC component for this and get values for Combobox from apex based on your condition requirement and then use that component in your flow.

It would be great if you can provide more details on this such as one example based on condition.

One more thing I can think of is that you can create metadata based on your condition and picklist values. Then you can query metadata records filtered by the condition and use those as picklist values.

Edit -

You can perform the following steps -

  1. Create one Custom Metadata and on a custom field in that Metadata (ex. - Category)
  2. Now add records in that metadata with the label as your picklist value and category as Work Type Group value which are shown in screen 1 of your flow.
  3. Create a new resource in your flow of type Record Choice Set and use the custom metadata records which are created in the above steps filtered by category field.
  4. Use the Resouce created in above step 3 as choices in your flow.

If you follow these steps you will achieve what you are trying to achieve.

  • Hi @Gaurav Suthar, I have added 2 images, The first image is the work type group stage. If I select Meet with Health Advocate, Picklist values should be west coast and east coast. If I select Stemwell Doctor, Picklist values should be Colombia and Canada Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 15:53
  • Hi @SanjanaRajasekar, I have edited my answer based on the updates in question. You just need to follow the steps carefully. I hope it will help. Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 17:10

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