I was wondering if I could have some advice on SOQL queries, I want to return a list to show in a visualforce page of all records that are similar (not related) to each other.

So I'm querying by using the current record's values..

 public  FilteredListingsController (ApexPages.StandardController sc) {
        sc.AddFields(new List<String>{'Commercial_Or_Residential__c','Bathrooms__c','Bedrooms__c','PropertyListingType__c','Property__r.Postcode__c','Property_Address__c','Property__r.Type_of_Property__c', 'Building_Type__c','Sale_Price__c','RentAmount__c'});
        CurrentListing = (PropertyListing__c) sc.getRecord();     
        recordId  = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        Listings = [SELECT Name, Id, Area__c,   Settlement_Date__c, Bedrooms__c, Property__r.State__c ,Leased_Date__c, Stage__c, Property__r.Type_of_Property__c,Sale_Price__c,RentAmount__c, Property__r.Street__c, Property__r.City__c , PropertyListingType__c, 
        Property__r.Postcode__c,Bathrooms__c, Building_Type__c, Property_Address__c, Commercial_Or_Residential__c FROM PropertyListing__c WHERE  Commercial_Or_Residential__c =:CurrentListing.Commercial_Or_Residential__c AND (Bedrooms__c=:CurrentListing.Bedrooms__c OR Bathrooms__c=:CurrentListing.Bathrooms__c) AND PropertyListingType__c =:CurrentListing.PropertyListingType__c
         AND Property__r.Postcode__c=:CurrentListing.Property__r.Postcode__c AND ((Sale_Price__c <=:CurrentListing.Sale_Price__c*1.3 AND Sale_Price__c >=:CurrentListing.Sale_Price__c*0.8)  OR (RentAmount__c <=: CurrentListing.RentAmount__c*1.5 AND RentAmount__c >=: CurrentListing.RentAmount__c*0.8))AND Property__r.Type_of_Property__c Includes (:CurrentListing.Property__r.Type_of_Property__c)];

I think this is where i'm failing:

AND ((Sale_Price__c <=:CurrentListing.Sale_Price__c*1.3 AND Sale_Price__c >=:CurrentListing.Sale_Price__c*0.8)  OR (RentAmount__c <=: CurrentListing.RentAmount__c*1.5 AND RentAmount__c >=: CurrentListing.RentAmount__c*0.8))

I'm not too sure if you can directly multiply values within the query. For example I wanted all properties that are between 80% -130% of the listed sale price or 80% -150% of the listed rent amount.

any advice would be mega, Cheers mike.


Thanks for the help. I removed any white spaces in the query. and created separate variables for the values and it seems to have worked a treat. Thanks for your help.

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1 Answer 1


This is allowed in Apex SOQL only, and only for inline queries (it does not work for Database.query methods). Inside an inline query, you can use normal Apex, including methods like Date.today() or someMapVar.values(). Be aware of spacing, though: I would recommend that the : not be split from the Apex code following it, and you should not have any whitespace outside of a string in that code. If you're not getting the results you expect, you may need to use a variable instead, but your code should be working correctly as written.

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