Im making an imperative call from My JS to Apex as follows
import { LightningElement,track,api } from 'lwc';
import genericOptionsFetcher from '@salesforce/apex/MultiPicklistCls.genericOptionsFetcher';
export default class multiPicklist extends LightningElement {
@api objectName = 'Account';
@api fieldName = 'Industry';
@track options =[];
connectedCallback() {
dataRecieveFunc() {
genericOptionsFetcher({objectApiName:this.objectName, fieldApiName: this.fieldName})
.then(result =>{
for(let i in result){
console.log('Result is' +result);
//this.options = [...this.options,{label:i, value:result[i]}];
//this.options.push({label: i,value: result[i]});
}).catch(error =>{
this.error = error;
this.options = undefined;
This is my Apex Class
public with sharing class MultiPicklistCls {
@AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
public static Map<String, String> genericOptionsFetcher(String objectApiName, String fieldApiName){
String[] values = new String[]{};
Map<String, String> labelValueMap = new Map<String, String>();
String[] types = new String[]{objectApiName};
Schema.DescribeSobjectResult[] results = Schema.describeSObjects(types);
for(Schema.DescribeSobjectResult res : results) {
for (Schema.PicklistEntry entry : res.fields.getMap().get(fieldApiName).getDescribe().getPicklistValues()) {
if (entry.isActive()) {labelValueMap.put(entry.getLabel(), entry.getValue());}
System.debug('Values are'+ labelValueMap);
return labelValueMap;
The weird part is Im successfully getting the output value in System.debug in developer console as follows
Values are{Agriculture=Agriculture, Apparel=Apparel, Banking=Banking, Biotechnology=Biotechnology, Chemicals=Chemicals, Communications=Communications, Construction=Construction, Consulting=Consulting, Education=Education, Electronics=Electronics, ...}
Now I am setting the returned result in options array as follows
this.options.push({label: i,value: result[i]});
Now I am passing this options to a child component as follows
<c-multi-select-pick-list multi-select="true" onselectoption={handleSelectOptionList} options={options} selected-value={selectedValue} label="multiSelect Pick List"></c-multi-select-pick-list>
In the connectedCallBack in JS (of child component) I am accessing the options as
var optionData = this.options ? (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.options))) : null;
Then I am accessing the options to iterate in the template but the items are not displaying. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I not need to do a JSON.parse and JSON.stringify in the child component?