I'm breaking out another answer because as it turns out, there is another approach, that does involve code.
However, I have constructed it such that you should be able to copy and use this code as long as you have an introductory understanding of HTML
- First, we're going to want to go to Wix's browser based code editor
- Simply go into edit mode as your normally would
- then click the "edit as developer" (wording may be different) button on the upper left side of the editor menu - this changes the sidebar and shows the pages as distinct HTML files
Click on the page (or form lightbox element if you have one broken out) and you will see a code editor at the bottom of the page
Your Wix editor screen should look something like this:
Note: this editor and related features may be branded as 'Velo' - as far as I can make out, this is a company/product Wix acquired and now serves as its custom coding layer. It's all part of Wix!
Once you are on the page that contains the form that you wish to setup your "web to lead" process for, scroll down to the code editor, delete any placeholder code
Safety Disclaimer: make sure there is no existing code somebody else on your team may have written - always always always double check with any other potential team members before doing this esp if you are less/non-technical- if youre doing this solo then it's probably fine
Another Note: I tried to flag anything within this code that should be changed to your Salesforce specific configuration with a CAPITALIZED_AND_UNDERSCORED_SYNTAX_LIKE_THIS
// this imports a wix specific module to successfully make the fetch request
import {fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
// this helps prevent premature executions of the code before the page is fully loaded
// I recommend sticking all your own code in this code block
$w.onReady(function () {
// Write your Javascript code here using the Velo framework API
// Click "Run", or Preview your site, to execute your code
// Outcome: on "your-form" submission, a Lead is created in salesforce
// NOTE: we are assuming your form's "id" value is 'form1'
// change this value if your form id is something else
$w("#form1").onWixFormSubmit((event) => {
let fullName = event.fields[0].fieldValue;
let fullNameArray = fullName.split(" ");
// create some custom logic here for handling multi-names
// in this approach, we just assume anything after the first name is some kind of last name
let lastName = fullNameArray.length == 2 ? fullNameArray[1] : fullNameArray.slice(1, (fullNameArray.length)).join(" ") ;
let email = event.fields[1].fieldValue;
let company = event.fields[2].fieldValue;
let message = event.fields[3].fieldValue;
// return event.fields;
"method": 'post',
"headers": {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
"body": `oid=PASTE_YOUR_SALESFORCE_ORG_ID_HERE&first_name=${fullNameArray[0]}&last_name=${lastName}&email=${email}&company=${company}&description=Use-case: ${message}&rating=Warm&lead_source=WHATEVER_LEAD_SOURCE_VALUE_YOU_WANT_HERE`
.then( (httpResponse) => {
if (httpResponse.ok) {
return httpResponse.json();
} else {
// console.log(httpResponse);
// return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed");
return Promise.reject(httpResponse);
} )
.then( (json) => console.log(json) )
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Easy, right? Save your changes and start testing form submissions in preview mode!
I should be active on this thread, so feel free to reply if you get stuck!