Can anyone help me with how I get the specific object's All Recordtype Names in Lwc.
I'm using the wire "getObjectInfo" method to get all info for object but I'm not getting how I iterate over "recordtypeinfo"(getting it from getObjectInfo method).
"recordTypeInfos": {
            "recordTypeId 1": {
                "available": true,
                "defaultRecordTypeMapping": false,
                "master": true,
                "name": "Master",
                "recordTypeId": "recordTypeId 1"
            "recordTypeId 2": {
                "available": true,
                "defaultRecordTypeMapping": true,
                "master": false,
                "name": "XYZ",
                "recordTypeId": "recordTypeId 2"

I'm getting above object from "data.recordTypeInfos".
Can someone help me to push name and id to one array.

arr.push({ label : "RecordTypeName HERE" , value: "RecordTypeId Here" });

1 Answer 1


In general, you want to use Array.prototype.map to convert an Array from one type to another.

let arr = Object.values(data.recordTypeInfos).map(
  ({ name: label, recordTypeId: value }) => ({

Where Object.values pulls out all the values in an object so you can work with them as an array, () => ({}) is an arrow function that creates an object literal, {name:label,recordTypeId:value} is a destructuring statement that assigns name to label, and recordTypeId to value, and { label, value } takes the parameters with those names and creates a new object. Array.prototype.map itself creates a copy of the original Array, transforming it through the function provided as the first parameter.

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