I can't pinpoint at what point/why the instance URL changed for my full copy sandbox. It now has .sandbox added to the instance URL but not all of my sandboxes have this change yet. We have My Domain enabled so for example if my domain name was 'codey' and sandbox name was 'full' the instance URL has changed from "https://codey--full.my.salesforce.com" to "https://codey--full.sandbox.my.salesforce.com" after performing authorization request.
I'm also confused as to why my full copy sandbox has this change to add .sandbox while my developer pro sandbox does not. I could see it being a recent release but haven't found this in any release notes yet and doesn't explain why some sandboxes have it while others don't. I did confirm that production and all sandboxes are on the same Summer '22 Patch 13.5 release. It would be good to be able to prepare for this change in the dev pro sandbox.
The other thing I can think of is a recent refresh of the full copy sandbox from Prod but I still have the question of what documentation would cite this change to the URL.